Who we are

Breastie Boxes is 501(c)(3) Fort Wayne organization that meets breast cancer patients right where they are in their cancer diagnosis and treatment. Breastie Boxes gifts them with a pink box filled with safe, comforting, and local luxuries that brings hope and confidence, while making the journey a little more cozy.

In October of 2022, Erica and Samantha decided to take collective action in supporting women diagnosed with Breast Cancer beyond the month of October. Both women have a personal story with Breast Cancer, Erica being a survivor, and Samantha, who lost her mother to the disease at a young age. Breastie Boxes give them a pretty pink box filled with safe, comforting, and local luxuries that brings hope and confidence, while making the journey a little more cozy.

While bringing our story to life, we felt the deep need to focus on the emotional side of a Breast Cancer diagnosis, where many national organizations take the initiatives in prevention, research, and cures. When meeting with fellow “Breasties” the common denominator among most of these patients faced was the uncontrollable circumstances they had been dealt.

During Erica’s journey to survivorship, when meeting and talking to fellow breasties, she recognized that there is a gap in patient treatment. Many nationwide breast cancer initiatives prioritize their resources towards prevention and cures, but honestly, the physical struggle isn't always the hardest part. No matter what stage, phase, or type of treatment or surgery each of these patients she met were experiencing, the common denominator of our uncontrollable circumstances was the mental and emotional battle that came with each of our diagnoses.

In her survivorship, she had a gnawing sense of responsibility to give back to the same community that supported her during her personal breast cancer battle, and together it is our goal to tackle the undeniable need to reach every single person diagnosed with Breast Cancer in the Fort Wayne area.

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